Your Complete Guide to Start Content Writing in 2020 (Beginners)

Content writing is the cornerstone of any internet marketing process. Even a video needs pre-prepared text or script.

For this, you must master writing content to:

  • Achieve better results for your project or products online.
  • Use search engines to promote your services.
  • Use social media to communicate with your target audience.
  • To save on advertising budget.
  • This is what mississauga seo company will help you achieve through this complete guide for writing content, in which you will find:
  • The 6 steps that you must take before you type a single letter, without which you will not achieve any results.
  • The 5 elements of any written content (title – introduction – body – conclusion – request).
  • How to write each of these elements, especially the title.
  • The best tools that will help you write professionally.

If you did not know that 8 out of 10 people decide whether to complete the reading based on the title only, this is in contrast to the introduction, which should complete the process of attracting attention and attract the reader to read the content.

Your Complete Guide to Start Content Writing in 2020

Let’s start, but before that there are two questions I want you to know their answer first.

Let’s start with this:

What is content writing?

Content writing is one of the most important types of digital marketing, which focuses on writing topics that target a specific audience, relying on more than one marketing channel such as search engines or social media sites.

The process of writing content intended to attract attention, if your content can make the researcher on the Internet click on the article link on your site.

Content writing is one of the most important types of digital marketing

Then read this article and achieve a real benefit from it, then subscribe to your mailing list, or buy a product or service from your site, then this means that your content is successful and excellent.

I want you to focus on the previous paragraph, “that the visitor buys from you. ” This is one of the main goals of writing content.

In general, by writing the content, you can make the visitor or reader implement a specific command that you ask of him in the article. Let’s say, for example, that you are searching the Internet for some tips to modify your home décor.

So, I found a useful article about this matter which gave you great solutions and advice, and I found that this article advises you to buy some house arrangement tools that will help you in achieving your goals.

Wouldn’t you buy these tools … you will most likely do … especially if you know that these tools are being sold on the same website that gave you these great tips.

As you read the content, you felt that the person who wrote it is an expert, who knows your problems and goals well, and knows how to help you too, for this you have somewhat trusted the site and will seriously consider buying from it.

This example is a simplified explanation of the content writing process which includes the following:

  • Search for some problems and goals for a specific category and provide content that solves these problems.
  • Having an expert writing content.
  • Preparing content in a way that suits its marketing channel (search engines – social media sites)

This is a summary of the professional content writing process, which I will show you in detail in the next few minutes, in which you will learn all the basics you need to write content that meets your goals.

The importance of writing content

People generally consume content in three ways:

  • Watching (YouTube videos – Facebook).
  • Reading (articles – news).
  • Listen (radio – podcast).

If you look carefully, you will find that writing or written content comes in one way or another in three types. Most of the videos are pre-scripted.

Even radio programs and podcasts, where people rely on written text or questions prepared in advance, and this is the first importance of written content.

The importance of writing content

One of the reasons why content writing is so important is that it is involved in almost every type of digital content industry, and if you master it you will be able to master the rest of the different types of content, and you will be able to create a large number of pieces of content with minimal effort

The second and strongest reason for the importance of writing content is to exploit different content marketing methods. Content marketing is the best marketing method that most large companies and institutions rely on.

Content marketing helps you:

  • Build a strong brand.
  • Get high traffic to your website.
  • Build a strong relationship with your audience by helping them with content that solves their problems.
  • Providing customer service at the lowest possible costs.

Content marketing helps you

You can learn more about everything related to content marketing and its importance through the following link, in which you will find everything you need and more to take advantage of every piece of content you create.

6 important steps before writing the content

Before you consider writing any content, whether:

  • An article for your blog.
  • An article on the LinkedIn network (which is growing in importance day after day).
  • Facebook article.
  • An article on a popular blogging platform like (Medium – Quora).

What is content writing

There are a lot of things you have to keep in mind, and without them the article can never be professionally produced, and it cannot achieve any marketing goals.

All of these things I will quickly explain to you now, and I will also give you all the resources and information you will need to master each of these steps.

1- Your immediate goal of the content

What do you want from your article? Of course, the answer is to increase sales and make more profits, but this is not what I ask for, my question is about your immediate goal.

The immediate objectives of any content that may be one or more of the following:

  • That the reader subscribes to your mailing list.
  • Get more followers on different blogging platforms.
  • To sell a product or service directly.
  • For the reader to stay longer on the site until he sees more ads, thus getting more profit from Adsense.

The reader clicks on a specific link ( for a landing page – for a paid display).

Each piece of content must have a direct and clear goal, and without it the content will not have any meaning or benefit, so you must be objective when choosing the appropriate goal.

The choice of the target depends on the quality of your business, as well as the quality of the content itself and the nature of the marketing channel that you will depend on, and all this will become clear to you more in the following elements.

2- Your Brand Voice

Every strong brand in the world has a distinctive way of addressing the audience, whatever industry or field, and this is what you have to define in your content.

Let me explain more to you, in this article, for example, if you see that I am using the expert method with you, then here you are looking for how to write the content, and I offer you the steps and what you should or should not do in a practical and tidy manner.

There are other articles. If you look more at winners, you will find that we speak in a participatory manner. We may share with you an experiment or an idea that a member of the winners’ team has tried.

This is what you mean by the brand’s voice or the character that your brand will embrace. Would you be an expert who has a long selling experience and advises the reader?

Or it will be someone who has the experience and shares it with people and nothing else, or it will be a friend who helps people cordially by comparing the available options.

The first method may be more appropriate in the field of health and medical information, the second method may succeed more in the field of human development and self-development, and the third method may be more appropriate in the field of fashion and fashion.

This is what you must define before writing any piece of content.

3- Buyer Personal

The most important thing in writing content is to know well who to address, who is the person reading your words? What are his problems? What are its traditions and customs? What are its financial capabilities?

The more you delve into knowing the details of this character and specifying its features, the better you will write content, because the reader will interact with the content at a higher rate, which will help you achieve your goals faster.

The process of identifying a buyer is not difficult, and if you have read the marketing guide with the content that I told you about, you will know a lot of information about this step.

Also, soon, God willing, we will publish a complete detailed guide with pictures and examples on how to buy Persona professionally, so be sure to follow the winners so that you do not miss.

4- The stage of the buyer

Any person who intends to purchase any product or service has the following stages:

  1. Awareness Stage.
  2. Consideration Stage.
  3. Decision-Making Stage.

Each stage has a certain way of thinking, for example, when you want to buy a new phone, don’t you think that the way you search in the beginning differs from the final stage when you compare two or three options at the most until you decide to buy.

This is what you should keep in mind when writing any piece of content in order to be effective and help the reader to move to the next stage in proportion to your services.

5- The quality of the content itself

There are many types of written content such as:

  • Landing pages 
  • Advice articles 
  • Comprehensive evidence
  • Comparisons articles
  • Short articles on social media

Each of these types has a specific writing style, and also requirements that must be available for the content to achieve the desired goal, such as the type of information that must be provided and the visual effects (images – videos) that must be added.

All of this depends on the customer’s personality and problems, as well as the extent of experience and knowledge of the writer himself.

6- The marketing channel that you will depend on

This is the most important step before writing any content, to know the platform that you will rely on to promote your content, if you will rely on traffic from search engines, this means that you are fully aware of what is SEO?

If you are going to use Instagram to promote your written content, you should be aware of all the different Instagram marketing methods.

If you are writing articles for the LinkedIn platform, you must use the appropriate hashtags and abide by the rules of this giant platform for your articles to reach as many people as possible.

Each marketing channel has rules and assets that you have to pay attention to, and perhaps the most difficult and influential channel at the same time is search engine marketing.

SEO is a very big world, and if you are taking your first steps in this world, I advise you to look at the ” comprehensive search engine optimization guide “, which will make you aware of all the concepts and steps necessary to rely on SEO efficiently.

Content writing components

As I indicated earlier, there are many types of written content, and each type has its own, but in spite of that you will find that most of these types – especially the somewhat long articles – consist of the elements that I will explain to you shortly.

These elements change their importance and the way they are written from one platform to another somewhat. For example, the way to write the title of an article that will be published on LinkedIn if it differs from an article that will be published on a website and will be captured from search engines, and so on.

But there are basic principles that must be present in every component of content writing no matter how different the platform, and this is what I will explain to you now.

And don’t worry, I’ll also show you all the resources and tools you can rely on to write any content on any platform you want professionally step by step.

But now let’s start explaining the elements of writing pans:

1- Headline

The title is the most important thing in any article. According to Buzzsumo, you’ll find: 8 out of 10 people decide to read any article or not, depending on the title only.

That is why you can never lose sight of the title. Imagine that you have collected wonderful information, statistics, and steps, and put on the article a bad title that does not attract attention … all your efforts will be wasted in vain.

To write a good title, stick to the following:

  • Try to make the title a bit long (12 to 18 characters).
  • Use numbers because it gives a sense of confidence and affects the same reader.
  • Use striking elements like arcs (Emojis).
  • Use strong words (better – stronger – effects – changes).
  • Rely on passion ( 10 steps to lose weight will change your life for the better).
  • Watch your competitors and influencers in your field and try to get some ideas from them.

2- Introduction

The introduction is the second attraction, the hijacker, which makes the visitor want more and more to complete the reading after attracting his attention, and for the introduction to fulfilling its purpose, you must adhere to the following:

  • Start with the important fact or information that grabs attention (statistic – a problem your audience suffers from – a wrong statement).
  • Then mention the effect of this information or the truth on the reader.
  • Then go on to talk about your article, how it will solve this problem for the visitor, and mention some information that will come out of the article.

Thus attracts attention and makes the reader want more and more to read, this step may be a little difficult, but by experimenting, repeating, and testing the results, you will reach the appropriate method for you.

3- Body

The body of the content is where the reader searches for your honesty because you attracted his attention and promised that you will provide him with answers to the questions that confuse him and the problems he suffers from, so he must fulfill your promises.

The body of the article should contain the following:

  • Practical and useful information and steps that the reader can implement directly.
  • Reliable data and statistics.
  • The content is logically arranged.
  • Use side titles whenever possible.
  • The use of words is simple and clear.
  • The content should be comfortable with the eye.

For the content to be comfortable in the eye and easy for the reader to extract important information from it, you must:

  • Use small paragraphs (two or three lines maximum).
  • Rely on showing important words and phrases (other than color – Bold – Underline). 
  • Use points and items (like what you are reading now).
  • Using Emojis? Whenever you can.

By this it ensures that the content is easy to understand and the reader can browse it easily and quickly, so if the reader feels that he will make an extra effort or suffer to read your article, he will leave it and leave … and this is what we never want.

4- Conclusion

The summary is the last part of the content in which you must put the important information that the reader should get out of the article simply.

As well as the first steps that he must take to benefit from your content.

5- What is required from the visitor (CTA – Call To Action)

The CTA is the method by which you address the reader to implement the direct goal you want from the content – the goal that we talked about at the beginning of this guide.

For example, you can ask the reader to share your article, or put a link to buy your product, and maybe put a gift the reader gets by subscribing to your mailing list.

If you look at the article about content marketing that I mentioned earlier, you will find many practical examples with pictures on the CTA, and how to put it in your content.

Important tips for writing content

  1. Write the title before beginning writing the article, then take a look at it again when the article is finished.
  2. Writing the introduction is the last step to take, so that the article is clear in front of you and you choose the best word and information that can be used.
  3. Editing the content is more important than writing the content itself. To create professional content, you must leave a period after finishing writing before you begin to review and amend.
  4. When editing, I advise you to read the article aloud to better test the harmony of sentences and ideas.
  5. I advise you to use the following tools when writing content:
  • Tool Google Documents are the best way to write online and save your files, it is free as well.
  • Google Analytics Results Analysis Tool: To evaluate audience engagement with your content and its prevalence, these results are then used for improvement and moderation.
  • Linkedin  Analytics results analysis tool on the Linkedin platform.
  • Buzzsumo tool to find the best articles and topics on the web and most interactive in most areas.
  • Headline Analyzer tool that helps you analyze and write titles professionally.

Content writing is one of the basic skills that will never go away no matter how advanced technology and aids, you have to master this skill professionally.

In the end, I wish you luck for an upcoming article, God willing.