Why Your Organisation Needs Strong Magnets


When you think about strong magnets, there’s one word that instantly comes to mind: neodymium. Neodymium magnets are the toughest magnets on the market today. 

Because neodymium magnets are so strong, they function well even in miniscule sizes—making them incredibly useful for electronic applications. You’ll find tiny neodymium magnets in all sorts of modern devices, including smartphones, microphones, engines, generators, door locks, and even in jewellery.

Almost any industry can benefit from using neodymium magnets, and luckily, you can source them from any reliable supplies distributor e.g. RS Components.

Neodymium magnets are highly versatile

You’ll find neodymium magnets used in an enormous variety of industries and organisations around the world. These industries include medicine, renewable energy, and media.

The applications of neodymium magnets are vast and comprehensive. Jewellery makers use tiny magnets to create strong, functional clasps, while engineers use them to collect dust from Mars.

If you work in the medical industry, it’s likely the equipment you use daily contains neodymium magnets. MRI scanners, for example, use large, permanent neodymium magnets to generate large magnetic fields. Dentists also use neodymium to create pin teeth, bridges, or partial dentures—the ultra-strong magnet helps to hold them in place.

Neodymium magnets are durable, functional, and super-strong

Neodymium magnets are the strongest magnets in the world. In heavy engineering and manufacturing, workers use permanent neodymium magnets to lift large, ferrous items. Within these industries, you’ll often find switchable release neodymium magnets that feature a quick release switching system.

When compared with other recovery and retrieval methods, neodymium magnets are the standout choice. Some neodymium magnets are specifically designed for lifting large objects and can securely hold weights up to 150kg.

You’ll also find neodymium magnets used in bearings. Via magnetic levitation, the magnets support a machine’s moving parts without physical contact—so there is minimal friction. This lack of friction means moving objects are subject to much less wear and tear, even when moving at extraordinary speeds.

Neodymium magnets are cost-effective

When investing in a new product, you’ll want to know it:

  • Will last long
  • Will maintain quality
  • Will provide a good return on investment
  • Will help your business gain revenue

Neodymium magnets boast all the above benefits.

While neodymium magnets seem costly on a cost-per-kilogram basis, it’s worth considering their strength. Because neodymium magnets are so strong, business owners can invest in the tiniest sized without compromising on strength—leading to reduced costs overall.

Neodymium magnets drive technological advancement

Because tiny neodymium magnets are highly effective, they’ve played a central role in the advancement of modern technology. All sorts of electronic devices use neodymium magnets, from computer hard disk drives, to smartphones, to audio equipment.

If you work in television or video media, you’ll find permanent magnets in the audio devices you use each day. Speakers, for example, feature permanent magnets alongside a single current-carrying coil. The coil transforms electricity into mechanical energy, moving the speaker cone, and changing the surrounding air pressure.


Overall, neodymium magnets boast a wide variety of benefits for businesses. By investing in strong magnets, you’ll reduce costs, boost technological advancement, and enjoy endless versatility.